An automatic inventory feed is available for products you have entered into inventory in your eSC admin panel under "Manage Products". If you wish to include all products (those which are available to order and which you haven't entered into inventory) open a support ticket at to inquire (select the Programming & Hosting Department).
1) Sign Up for a Google Merchant Center Account
Go to to sign up for a Merchant Center account if you don't have one already.
2) Create a New Data Feed
Log into your Google Merchant Center account. Click "Data Feeds" on the left side menu. Click the "New Data Feed" button. Enter "Data feed filename": "feed1.txt". Click "Save changes". Click "Data Feeds" on the left side menu again. You will see a new feed listed to the right. Click "Daily upload". Enter the information as shown in the image below. Be sure to replace the "X" in "" with your eSC Login ID, for example, if your login ID is 125, the Feed URL would be "". Click "Update and fetch now". Your feed will import within a few minutes.
3) Set Tax and Shipping
On the left menu of your Google Merchant Center account, click "Settings" then click "Tax and shipping". These settings are required in order for your products to be made live.
4) (Optional) Link Your Google Checkout Account
On the left menu of your Google Merchant Center account, click "Settings" then click "Checkout". Select the appropriate settings. If you need to setup Google Checkout to work with eSC see our wiki article here:
5) You will need to link an Adwords account and create a campaign and enter billing info. To link an Adwords account click "Settings" on the left menu, then click "Adwords". Set a competitive bid per click to see your ads on the first page of Google Shopping results.