Manage Collections/Categories
- Click the link at the top of the page that says Manage Collections/Categories. This will bring you to the Collection/Category Manager. From this page you will be adding and managing your categories and your collections. A collection would be a manufacturer’s name or the name of a line a manufacturer produces (i.e. Jovani, Mon Cheri, or Mon Cheri Montage), a category is a sub-group allowing your customers to browse your products by a specific category (i.e. Mother of the Wedding, Prom, Evening Wear.) We encourage you to create as many categories as you can think of from the start, it will make adding products to the categories much easier.
- On the Collection/Category Manager page there are four boxes,
- Edit Category/Collection Details,
- Add New Collection/Category,
- Delete a Category/Collection, and
- Pick Default Category/Collection.
For now we are going to look at the second box, Add New Collection/Category.
- In the text box under Add New Collection/Category type in the name of a collection or category you wish to add to your website and click the submit button
- This will take you to a page called the “Edit Collection/Category Details” page. The title of the category is where you will enter the title of the category or the collection. Under that there is a check box with the words “Check here to show this category under the "Collections" menu n your web site” if you are adding a category leave this box unchecked, if you are adding a collection, check this box. Under that there is a text box with the words “Enter the text you want to appear in the top bar of page for this category” above it. In this text box you will enter any additional information you wish to appear on the page with this collection or category on it (for example if this is the PROM category and you have a policy of not selling the same dress to two people at the same event you could put this information here, or if you want to put a little description of the line such s “elegant full length evening wear” etc.)
- Click the submit button to save. Click the link at the top of the page that says “Manage Collections/Categories”
- Now that you have at least one category of collection we can go back the other boxes. The first box says “Edit Category/Collection Details” by selecting a category or collection for the drop-down menu and clicking submit, it will take you to the Edit Category Details page for that collection or category. This box is used if you need to edit the info you first entered into the edit category details age.
- The third box says “Delete a Category/Collection” this is pretty self explanatory. If you select a category or collection from the drop-down box and click submit it will permanently remove that collection or category.
- The forth box says “Pick Default Category/Collection.” When a potential customer clicks the Collections link on your eStyleCentral web site they will be brought to a page that lists the collections and categories on the left side of the page and display the currently selected collection or category on the right. By selecting a category or collection from the drop-down menu under Pick a Default Category/Collection and clicking submit, the selected category or collection will be displayed first when the customer clicks on the “Collections” link.